Laws should apply to everyone. We cannot have prosecutors who don’t prosecute. We cannot have judges who give lenient sentences for serious crimes. A two-tiered justice system is an injustice on its face. Federal agencies have been targeting political opponents and protecting political allies. The de facto open border is a problem for all of America, not only for the border states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.
The Rule of Law. Laws should apply to everyone. We cannot have prosecutors who don’t prosecute. We cannot have judges who give lenient sentences for serious crimes. A two-tiered justice system is an injustice on its face. Federal agencies have been targeting political opponents and protecting political allies. The de facto open border is a problem for all of America, not only for the border states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.
We want safe streets, towns, and cities. America has changed. Retail theft rings and gangs have become rampant and widespread. Crime is a growing concern for Americans. A new Gallup poll shows that 72% of surveyed Americans predict crime rates will increase this year. That figure comes after an earlier poll showed a record-high 56% of Americans said crime is higher where they live than it was a year ago. Homicide rates have risen by an average of roughly 10% in 45 of the most populated U.S. cities between Q1 2021 and Q1 2023. Many Americans feel they now need to live in gated communities and hire private security to feel protected. Those who cannot afford private security or make their home a fortress are going to be robbed, if not killed. At the same time, Leftist lawmakers are trying to take away our guns and right to self-defense.
Homelessness. Homeless populations have increased despite years of virtue-signaling programs. Every large city and town now has a large population of vagrants and homeless street campers. Their trash, begging, thievery, drug use, public defecation, and violent crimes impact the safety and quality of city life.
The Open Southern Border. Our southern border is in a state of chaos and lawlessness with an endless number of illegal immigrants freely entering our country thanks to the open border policies pursued by the Biden Administration. We don’t know who these people are, but we do know that many of them are men from Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Far East. Drugs are flowing freely into the US via the open southern border, helping to create the largest drug crisis in the history of our country. And cheap fentanyl is killing off our people, young and old.
Police Officers. Our law enforcement officers are doing great work, but their task is overwhelming. Leftists want to defund the police and have social workers take up the task. At the same time, our police officers work in an atmosphere of hate and disrespect. Some say police officers enforce a policy of systemic racism. Why insult the very men and women who risk their lives for us daily?
1.The Rule of Law.
Our goal: No two-tiered system of justice. Any person who is caught lying under oath, leaking confidential information, destroying evidence should face consequences regardless of their position in government or their wealth. The DOJ or IRS should not target their political enemies. If they do, there should be consequences for those government agents, all the way up the chain of command.
2.Safe streets and the crime wave.
Our goal: Our towns, cities and neighborhoods must be made safe again.
Citizens have a right to bear arms, as recognized in the U.S. Constitution. Constitutional concealed carry in all states. An armed society is a polite society.
Self-defense during a robbery.
‘Stand your ground’ is a right to self-defense. We have a right to self-defense, not just to retreat and wait for the police to arrive. Home robbers don’t want to enter a home defended by a gun. Store and business owners should be allowed to use guns (deadly force) to protect themselves and their property.
Retail thefts.
Laws vary in cities and states regarding theft. In some cities a theft where the value of stolen items is below, say, $950 is a misdemeanor punishable with fine or nothing. This is a bad incentive. When there is no punishment, even when they are caught, then these retail thefts will only continue. Looting should be a felony and everyone participating in looting must be tracked down and sent to prison or even shot in the act!
The National Guard.
The National Guard must be used to help law enforcement to fight crime in areas where crime is out of control. The National Guard needs to be ready quickly to step in to help if demonstrations or riots get violent. The National Guard needs to stop the destruction, looting and lawlessness with deadly force.
Our goal: Homeless people, vagrants, and their encampments are to be removed from our sidewalks, streets, towns, and cities. We see four categories for action here:
- The unfortunates: people (and families) who have lost their jobs & home, (who are not drug addicts). These people must get housing first. They need help, empowerment, a restoration of their hope and faith, and a real opportunity to rejoin society. Remember, there but for fortune go you or I.
- The drug users: They should be offered an opportunity for rehabilitation and detoxification. They should be fed and sheltered, but they should not get any money. New habits may form in just ten days but thirty days may not be enough.
- The mentally ill: Mentally ill people need help. Can outpatient counseling help? Who knows? Three negative life scripts:“no love” leads to depression, “no joy” leads to drug addiction and “no mind” leads to mental illness. Can people find beauty, joy and love in their life? These are eternal values. “If I can do it, then you can do it.”
- Criminals on the run and illegal alien citizens of other countries posing as homeless Americans. Find them and process them. Yes, mass deportations are needed. Mexico must cooperate. Cash bounties may be needed. This brings us to a larger problem.
The Open US/Mexican Border.
Our goal: Respect the law. The U.S. Congress has provided a regular, long but lawful means to U.S. citizenship – Naturalization. Furthermore, the U.S. Constitution clearly says the federal government has a duty to protect America from invasion. They have failed and this failure must stop. Perhaps only changes in President and in the House and Senate can make this change in policy happen.
Illegal Immigrants.
All illegal immigrant residents need to be arrested and deported out of this country.
Illegal immigrants are getting free healthcare, free education and free housing from the federal government. Corporations are employing many of them at lower than market cost. It is claimed that the U.S. has 28 million illegal immigrants who are getting benefits but don’t pay any taxes. No country can afford this. No more free rides. First, all immigrants who have committed a crime, should be deported after serving their jail time (one year or less) or their prison time. This used to be the compromise position, deporting criminal aliens. America must be purged of all illegal aliens.
Illicit drug smuggling.
Our lawmakers MUST pressure China to stop selling narcotics and their chemical precursors to Mexican drug cartels. The Chinese government AKA the Chinese Communist Party can do it. China must be held accountable. Our law enforcement is doing great work, but the task is large. The Mexican drug cartels are better armed than our border agents. A revolver is no match for a sniper rifle. Can the U.S. and Mexico work together to eradicate the 150 or so Mexican drug cartels? This is doubtful. The Drug crisis must be addressed at its root, the individual, and externally at the southern border.
Human trafficking/smuggling.
This is another lucrative area for the Mexican drug smuggling cartels. Again, we ask, can the U.S. and Mexico work together to eradicate the 150 or so Mexican drug cartels? We are doubtful.
5.City Police Departments. Citizens can help.
American citizens can help law enforcement, not only on the tip line, but also by joining your local neighborhood watch and local militia. Reporting a crime and suspicious activity could help to reduce crime. Community Watch is a crime prevention program that involves citizens working with each other and with law enforcement agencies to reduce crime and victimization in their communities.
6.Our Country Our Choice (OCOC)wants to unite the American people. We want to work with other organizations to make a larger impact. .
For organizations working to make our communities and America safer and freer from crime we offer a platform to make your message heard. If you are already working against crime or failures to enforce the law, if you want to help solve problems, if you are an advocate for gun rights or self-defense, if you are currently offering homeless people new opportunities, housing, rehabilitation, or you feed the hungry, if you are in the fight against illicit drugs drug smuggling and human trafficking, or want to volunteer, then join us. If your organization is already working on these items, please contact us. We must restore the rule of law before it is too late. We need to help our law enforcement officers. We need to hold all local, state, and federal officers accountable. We can solve these problems together.
Join Us in the Fight for Our Country
You hold the power to reclaim our nation. Know that you stand united, not alone. Millions stand beside you, and together, we become an indomitable force, unstoppable in our resolve.
Rest assured, your information is safeguarded and will never be shared with any third party.