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Restoring Trust in America


  • Safe America

  • Secure America

  • Prosperous America

  • Healthy America

  • Smart America

What is happening

The goal of Our Country Our Choice: We want to populate Washington with new men and women who will put America first, not second or last. We want to fight for change from town to town, city to city, and State to State. We want to restore not just our prosperity, but our identity and history as distinct people with a national culture that exalts freedom, the rule of law, and human dignity.

We want America to be a place where every alarm clock rings with purpose, every paycheck reflects real value, and every American child inherits the nation he or she deserves. We want to restore the foundations upon which effective, long-term strategic power rests, are in poor condition if not ruinous shape.

The problem.

  • Over many decades, Washington insiders turned our government into their personal investment club, into a system of government that serves the influence of the few, the superrich and the corrupt. Americans already flush with cash and office holders inside the system grew wealthier while the broader population saw the real value of their wages and property decline. As bills pile up Wall Street celebrates another record year.
  • Look around your kitchen table tonight. At least one or two family members include a son or daughter who moved back home because they could not afford to live on their own; children who hold degrees but carry the crushing weight of student debt. The retirement statement that older Americans receive tells the story not just of dreams deferred, but of the American dream that’s lost its power.
  • But decline and despair is not our story. We are Americans. We are the descendants of men and women who not only built the world’s most powerful engine of prosperity with their bare hands and unshakeable resolve, but our ancestors also exported their prosperity, not simply war to the rest of the world.
What you can do? What you can do? What you can do? What you can do?

What you can do?


Action 1


Watch Col Macgregor explain OCOC 5 Focus Points

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A New Era of Election Transparency Begins Here

Find election officer in your state

A New Era of Election Transparency Begins Here

Navigating the voting process can be challenging, but we're here to make it easier. Understanding who is responsible for overseeing elections in your state is a crucial step in ensuring transparency and accountability. With just a few clicks, you can find the contact information for your state’s election officer, the key individual responsible for managing the election process where you live


FOLLOW INFLUENCERS THAT PromotE Trust, Transparency, and Turnout in 2024

Empowering Voters Through Real-Time Election Transparency

You have a story, opinion our tought on voating. You want to become American hero and Reclaime Voter Confidence Through Transparency. Act now”

We are are determined to do everything we can to ensure that the 2024 presidential election is not marred by any claims of deceit or dishonesty. This is why OCOC is launching this action.